Friday, 17 January 2014

What i hate about social media

  • when people from school/college try to have a conversation with you online and you only spoke to them a couple of hours ago. Like is it really necessary to try to speak to me when i saw you all day and the conversation isn't going to be anything interesting. 
Person: hi
me: hi
Person: how are you?
me:good, you?
person: good thanks 

(conversation over)
I mean come on was it really that important to ask me how i am when you saw me like 2 hours ago

  • When on Facebook you by accidentally click on a website or page and it comes up on your wall without you knowing saying something like "Lysette just read this". See this is why i have trust issues. If i wanted your page to come up on my wall i would share or like it, don't just take the piss by doing it without me knowing.

  • Facebook again when people send you a notification like "come join me on this website…." 

  • Actually no the whole of Facebook pretty much pisses me off

  • When people quote a tweet on twitter but don't say anything at the end or just put an emoji. Just retweet!!!!!!!

  • On twitter when people have someone vs someone for example One direction vs The wanted. Fair enough if you don't like certain bands and want to express how much you like or dislike someone but don't try to force that opinion on someone else especially another fan base. You really think by bigging up your favourite band trying to prove they're better is going to make the other fan base believe you. Also most fan girls are crazy there not going to listen to you! Another stupid vs is Uk vs USA. Really do we need to get into that and do people actually think one nation is going to be like ok we back down, no thats never going to happen.

  • Instagram hashtags. Girls especially make me cringe when they write down pretty much everything in the room. Selfie, whitagram, me, girl, hair, smiling, happy, bedroom, chair, wardrobe……. Just write a proper title!  

  • When couples post pictures of themselves practically having sex. I have three things to says for this: one now one wants to see this or cares about your relationship, two why would you want everyone to see that, and three wasn't that really awkward to do and take a picture at the same time? 

  • People that attack people over the internet. I just think people like that are really pathetic especially with the fact they have to do it over the internet, where everyone can see it and they wouldn't have the balls to say it in person. 

Here are my reasons as to why i hate social media. If you like this please follow me on bloglovin 

Thanks for reading 

Lysette :)


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