No i haven't gone crazy but i am in fact about to compare people to healthy snacks. You may wonder how i came up with the idea of this but that would open up the weirdness of my mind and i think thats for another day. So here it is how people compare to fruit and veg.
Orange- That friend that you have that you like but has a weird smell. You can be in a room full of people and without actually seeing them you know they are there
Pear- That person that you know gets along with old people/ adults. They are always chatting with teachers and the one that makes old people thing that not all youth are hopeless.
Kiwi- Your class mate that really needs to shave more.
Parsnip- That guy thats overly confident
Carrot- That guys that acts overly confident but really is like a snack pack carrot if you know what i mean
Potato- The person that you know you shouldn't be friends with as they are unhealthy for your mind but you just can't resist
Peas- The joker. So you know when your eating peas and one rolls away and your like 'haha i saw what you did there, you cheeky pea'. It's kind of like the joker when they act all innocent then they make an unexpected joke.
Passion fruit- The people that act overly loved up/ the guy that tries to serenade everyone. Does anyone else have that guy that walks around with his guitar playing music 'acting' like he's just playing when really he's trying to get girls to like him.
Sooooooooo there you go. Can you relate? If on please follow me on bloglovin it would make me really happy if you did.
Lysette :)
Hahaha, this really made me laugh because it is so true! I liked the cheeky pea one best :P x