Tuesday, 1 April 2014

My new obsession

So I've been slightly MIA recently and I was going to apologise but then I realised what I have been obsessed over is amazing and I can't bring myself to apologise for it. So this brilliant discovery is Netflix. Yes I know I'm a bit late on the band wagon and I've been putting off getting it for ages until I just thought hey the first months free I may as well see what all the fuss is about. To be specific what I've spent all my free time doing is watching vampire diaries. Now I live in England and I'm pretty sure we don't get the series on our tv and I'm thinking why the hell not because it's amazing!

At first I wasn't sure I was going to like it because I just assumed it would be like twilight and seeing that it's about 4 series long I thought it would be too much loveydoveyness for me. As per usual I was completely wrong, the main story line does follow a love triangle however add in a lot of deaths and blood and it makes an addicting show. 

The only problem I know I'm going to have with Netflix it that there is so much to watch in so little time and with exams in a couple of months it's not a good combination. So if your like me an you have important things going on in a few months you might have to limit yourself to only watching one episode a day. 

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