Monday 28 April 2014

A subconscious part of my mind is trying to embarrass me

Ok ill admit it, I'm a compulsive liar. I don't mean as in i make up stories to get attention I'm talking about a subconscious part of my mind that makes me say things that aren't true without me realising. For example the other day i was having a conversation with a friend and it went a little something like this

Friend: Did you watch  ________ last night

Me: yeah

My mind: Why did i just say yes, i didn't watch that programme! I was supposed to say no now I'm going to look stupid admitting that i was supposed to say no. Quick say you didn't watch it!

Friend: It was good wasn't it

Me: I know literally thought it was so funny

Mind: SHIT WHY DID I JUST SAY THAT! I DIDN'T WATCH IT. Well it's too late to turn back now I'm just going to have to go with it.

Friend: so what did you think of the ending?

Mind: WHAT DO I SAY!! Ok calm, don't look panicked she can smell fear just say something quick!

Me: I ermmm just though it was a massive surprise, like i didn't see it coming

Friend: wait what? you didn't see it coming? I thought it was really obvious.

Mind: well you've done it now. She's going to think your an idiot, turn it around TURN IT AROUND. GO GO GO

Me: yeah well, I'm easily confused and it takes me longer than the average human being to understand plots

Friend: oh ok you should probably watch it again then

Me: yeah i think i will

Mind: phew. Now that was close.

Lysette :) x

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